Health News - March 2025
“If you see this in a mirror, I’ll show you how to release your back pain in 5 minutes... ”

Over 80% of the people I've treated for back pain showed signs of FTP Syndrome.
And - best of all - it's fast and easy to fix.
All it takes is two exercises. You'll see them later in this article. They are so simple you can do them in bed. They do not require any fancy equipment. You'll feel relief in 5 minutes...and...done consistently over the course of 30 days, FTP Syndrome related back aches and pains disappear for good.
Why I Know This Will Ease Your Back Pain Too
Before I tell you more, let me introduce myself...and...give you 7 reasons why you do NOT want FTP Syndrome.
My name is Jesse Cannone and I'm a certified personal trainer.
Since 1997 I've worked one-on-one with thousands of people who couldn't walk...couldn't sit...couldn't lie down, or were otherwise debilitated by back pain. Over time I noticed many of my clients (well over 80%) exhibited the same pattern of symptoms.
Together, I call these FTP Syndrome. Left unchecked, it causes:

It's why pain is gone one day and there the next. Or “moves” (like from the lower back, to a hip, or sciatica). Or why surgeries fail (sending you down a path of more serious - and more desperate - operations).
As long as FTP Syndrome is still there...the pain you are feeling now...could just be the start of a lifetime of agony. But...
If you “test positive” for FTP Syndrome, Don't Worry!
After a LOT of experimentation I've discovered how to eliminate FTP Syndrome related back pain and injury permanently.
As a result I founded The Healthy Back Institute in 2003 to get the word out. Since then we've helped over 523,761 people in 126 countries around the world kiss goodbye to back pain for good.
This has helped thousands. The results are predictable. And I know it will work for you too.
So, why exactly does FTP Syndrome cause pain? The answer is simple.
It pulls your spine out of alignment!

And to understand why, let's talk about the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
The 841 year old belltower famously tilts 5.5 degrees to one side.
Why does it lean?
It lacks a stable foundation
. Soft sand underneath the tower causes one side to sink, creating the characteristic lean.
The fight to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa upright is a constant one. During construction (it was already leaning then) workers built one side taller than the other to compensate. They've since drilled angled holes in the foundation. And poured concrete at the base.
Despite all efforts, it leans more and more each year.
Most experts believe one day the tower will falter (much like a similarly constructed tower in northern Italy crashed to the ground in 1989).
How to “Self Diagnose” FTP Syndrome with a Mirror

Likewise, your spine needs a stable foundation. Without it, pain and injury are just a matter of time.
If your spine leans like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it will strain your will pull on will cause discs to bulge.
You will be in pain for the rest of your life no matter what
One of the most common reasons why a spine “leans” is because the base that supports it - the pelvic bone (your largest bone, responsible for supporting your entire body) - rotates down and forward. This condition is known as Forward Tipped Pelvis (or FTP Syndrome)
Here's how you can see it in a mirror.
Just stand sideways and look. If your beltline is lower in the front then it is in your rear...your pelvis is tipped forward...and you have FTP Syndrome.
Is It Back Pain....or Something Else?
Like I mentioned, it can pull muscles...stress ligaments...twist bones...crush spinal discs, and the list goes on.
Which is why people report all sorts of different types of pain “around” the back. Some have numbness running down their legs. Some have sharp stabs in their lower back. Others report a dull pain deep in their joints.
(In fact, there are two major types of pain. What type you have can narrow down what is causing your pain...helping you get better, quicker. You can find out about the two types of pain on the next page .
Just like the soft sand under the Tower of Pisa causes it to imbalance in the muscles that connect to the pelvis allow it to rotate up, down, left, or right...causing the spine to lean with it.
This internal struggle causes...
A Battle You Can't Possibly Win!
It's like two kids (one skinny, one fat) on either side of a seesaw.
The laws of physics dictate the bigger kid won't leave the ground for long (no matter how hard he jumps)...while...the skinny kid can't help but stay airborne.
This also explains why so many people who have back surgery need to go under the knife again and again.
Surgery may “fix” something (a bulging disc, bone-on-bone pain, whatever causes the pain). But what do you think happens if the underlying muscular imbalance is still there? It will just cause trouble somewhere else.
This happened to a client of mine. He had surgery (a microdiscectomy) for a bulging disc between the L4 and L5 vertebrae (they are bones in your lower spine).
Less than 3 years later he was in pain again, this time it was L5/S1 - the disc right below the one he had surgery on - that was bulging out.
The muscle imbalance continued causing FTP Syndrome ...which resulted in continued damage long after the surgery. The doctor recommended surgery AGAIN.
How to Avoid Pain and (Repeated) Surgery by Addressing FTP Syndrome
This simple fix will prevent a lifetime of pain.
Just restore balance by stretching the muscles that are too strong. And strengthen the muscles that are too weak. Do this and your back pain will take care of itself. No drugs, injections, or surgery required.
The biggest reasons why FTP Syndrome occur are because:

1. The quadriceps (the big muscles on the front of your thighs) are TOO STRONG, pulling the front of your pelvis down
2. The hamstrings (the big muscles on the back of your thighs) are TOO WEAK, allowing the back of your pelvis to rise up
The fix for FTP syndrome is simply to stretch your quadricep muscles. And strengthen your hamstrings.
Just 5 minutes of stretching your quadricep muscles can lengthen them enough to allow your pelvis to tip backward. This takes off the constant tension inside your pelvis reducing your pain.
This is why I said above just 5 minutes is enough to ease your pain.
And exercising your hamstrings for 30 days gives enough time for muscle to build...rebalancing your pelvis and getting rid of your pain for good.
This is a HUGE piece of the puzzle. But there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Plus, there may be other muscle imbalances that are causing pain. You can find out more about them on the next page .
Muscle imbalances also explain why you can go from pain-free to immobilized and on the floor in seconds.
The Myth of “Throwing Out” Your Back
Eventually, the strain of imbalanced muscles can become too much to handle. And something as simple as sneezing or tying your shoes can “throw out” your back.
Most doctors recommend surgery in this case.
But is this little incident really to blame? You've sneezed and tied your shoes a million times you really believe the human body was designed to be immobilized by a tiny movement most people can do with ease?
Of course not. This is simply the case of “the straw that broke the camel's back”.
You see, when most people “throw out” their back, it's not a single event. There is usually an underlying muscular imbalance that's been brewing below the surface for a long time. It's just that some particular quick motion (like a sneeze) pushes you over the edge
This is just one of the big myths about back pain. On the next page, you'll learn about two more myths that prevent you from beating back pain for good.
And this is actually great news for back pain sufferers. Because it means you don't need dangerous drugs, injections, difficult and painful rehabilitation, or surgery to get better.
All you really need are some simple stretches and re-balancing exercises like the ones I mentioned above. Once you restore the balance in your muscles and body frame, you'll eliminate the pain quickly, and go on to live pain free.
It's very simple but very effective.
And it doesn't take long either. On the next page I'll show you how can become completely free of back pain - from whatever cause - in as little as 7 days.
Discover how to become 100% pain free in the next 7 days on the next page